Review of Previous Lesson (5 Minutes)

  1. What did you learn in the previous study?
  2. How did you apply it to your life?

Main Text: Ephesians 5:25-30.

Memory Verse: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25.


Today’s world has many fellowships, movements and groups with different ideologies, beliefs and practices which influence people including Christians. These beliefs and practices have led to both significant social changes in today’s world about ‘roles’ in marriage. These have also brought the confusion and offensiveness of the subject on ‘marital roles’. This calls for Christians to appreciate what the Bible says about their responsibilities at home. Today’s study focuses on the biblical role of husbands.

Questions for Discussion

  1. What does it mean for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church?
  2. Come out with other roles of husbands in marriage.
  3. How do husbands’ roles impact their families?
  4. What cultural factors hinder husbands from exhibiting their roles in marriage?
  5. In what possible ways should husbands handle these cultural challenges?


From today’s discussions, we have known that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her. Thus, husbands are to lay down their lives for their wives in protection and support as Christ did for the Church. They must express their love as a duty, in respect and principle rather than attraction. This must be from a sincere, pure, passionate, and constant affection just as they love their bodies.

Husbands are to love their wives even when they get displeased with some of their actions. In love, husbands must provide essential needs such as food, water and shelter for their families in love and respect. They must train their children in love to fear the Lord (Prov. 22:6), and serve as mentors and companions to them. Husbands must lead their families to Christ and ensure family unity to create joy and happiness. This will positively influence unbelieving singles and couples. Husbands should be vigilant to the manipulations of Satan from false doctrines, teachings, cultural or traditional beliefs and practices, which tend to water down the role of husbands in marriage. It is important for husbands to perform their biblical roles even when it is contrary to what they are culturally accustomed to.