Review of Previous Lesson (5 Minutes)

  1. From the previous discussion, what does the Scriptures say about withholding workers’ pay without just cause?
  2. In what way was the previous study beneficial?

Main Text: Mark 10:13-16.

Memory Verse: But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’. Luke 18:16.


In the CoP, children are considered as gifts to the family and Church. For this reason, the Church has a strong Children’s Ministry which provides training along biblical principles of spiritual growth. These include lessons on salvation, worship, manners and respect for authority. The Church observes Children’s Week annually to celebrate children and reinforce the need to be intentional about their holistic growth. Today’s study focuses on how Jesus sees children with a view to shaping our perception about children with the word of God.

Questions for Discussion

  1. Why do you think the disciples stopped the people and how is this behavior expressed in our churches?
  2. What was Jesus’ reaction when His disciples rebuked them? Verses 14, 15.
  3. What was Jesus’ command to His disciples and by extension all Christians? Verse 14
  4. Explain Jesus’ statement, “…whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
  5. How should parents and guardians complement the work of the Children’s Ministry?


We can infer from the behavior of the disciples that they did not place value on the children’s meeting with Jesus. Leaders and members of the church must give priority to children. We must avoid the tendency to belittle the need for them to be involved in various aspects of the church service. Parents and guardians should involve children in family devotions, Bible study, and other church activities all in the effort to guide their growth and love for Jesus. In the CoP, children are considered as members of the church and thus should be accorded all the courtesies that will enable them to grow in Christ.