Main Text: Matthew 13:33

Memory Verse: In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your

Father in heaven – Matthew 5:16


In our previous lesson, we learnt how we can touch the lives of others through our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, This study is on the parable of the yeast. In this parable, we have been compared to a little yeast that causes the whole dough to rise. Without yeast our loaves will be very flat. In our desire to be like Jesus, we must also strive to imitate Him in all our deeds. We must endeavour to affect people’s lives positively.

Questions For Discussion

  1. How useful is yeast in baking? Verse 33
  1. How can you liken the effect of yeast to the Kingdom of God?
  1. Like yeast, how can we impact the lives of other in our churches and communities?
  1. What happens to dough without yeast? How is this comparable to a Christian without godly influence?


From the discussions so far, we understand that as followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to influence the lives of others in positive ways. When we fail to do that, many people who otherwise would have come to Christ will not come but find solutions to their problems outside the word of God. Our character and attitudes as Christians in the church, in our communities and at our work places should positively influence others around us just as yeast permeates dough and causes it to rise.